雅思口语900句是在众多雅思阅读词汇中浓缩出来的精华,都是在历年雅思考试中出现且多次考过的,不得不记,不得不学!所有的单词都配有发音,每天更新五句话,天天前进一小步,雅思口语一大步! 1.I love to talk about films because I like going to the cinema as a hobby. 我喜欢谈论电影。因为我把去电影院当作一种爱好。 2.The most intriguing film I have ever seen is a film based on a detective story. 我看过的最有趣的电影是一部侦探片。 3.The plot of the film is very attractive and the actors and actresses performed well in it. 电影的情节非常吸引人,而且演员们表演的非常好。 4.I guess this film is deeply rooted in my memory because I like the ending, which is very thought provoking. 我想这部电影之所以能够扎根在我的脑海里是因为我喜欢这部片子的结尾,它的结尾非常耐人寻味。 5.Well, as far as I’m able to judge, I consider ‘Rain Man’ to be the best movie I have ever seen. 哦,在我看来,《雨人》这部影片是我所看过的电影中最好的一部。 6.In my opinion, I always regard the film ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ as my favorite because I like the leading actresses. 《我最好朋友的婚礼》一直是我最喜欢的电影,因为我喜欢里面的女主角。 7.It’s the kind of moive that can make you laugh with tears in your eyes. 它是那种能够使你面带笑容却又热泪盈眶的影片。